Saturday 13 July 2013

Turbo Cider 6

"Turbo Cider 6"

ABV: 4.7%

Date Bottled: 23/03/13

Recipe: 1/2 litre of Cranberry Juice, 4 litres of ALDI Apple Juice, 1tsp Pectolase, 1tsp Wine tannin, 1tsp Yeast Nutrient

Yeast: Youngs Cider Yeast

Presentation (Colour): Slightly murky, but light cider colour. Very pleasant [8/10]

Aroma: No evidence of yeast at all, and no hint of tannin, unlike it predecessor, TC5. A sharp smell, but not appley. [7/10] 

Taste: This cider was created at the same time as "Turbo Cider 5" (reviewed earlier), but with a different apple juice that had more sugar content, hence the slightly higher end ABV. Not really much of an apple taste, but quite dry and drinkable nonetheless. Again, with no Malic Acid added (that is actually in REAL cider apples) to help recreate the flavours released from those apples, not a big surprise it has ended up as it has. [6/10]

Fizz: Again, more of a scrumpy really with only a slight initial fizz. [6/10]

Overall Score: 6.5/10

Verdict: This brew is SLIGHTLY more drinkable than "Turbo Cider 5". This, I suspect, is most likely down to the end gravity, producing a higher alcohol content. What is missing is that "tang" that you get from using REAL cider apples. lessons have been learned that Malic (or citric) Acid should be added to ALL home brew Turbo Ciders to bring out more of the flavours in the brew.

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