Recently I gave an opinion on the Go West Forum:
My opinion was about their latest album "futurenow". I was a little negative about it and explained why I felt that it was an average album at best. Boy oh boy, little did I know what I was letting myself in for!
Now it would seem that I have got it wrong after all these years. If you are a "fan" of a particular band, then it is COMPULSORY to like absolutely EVERYTHING that the band do or say from that moment on. It was my understanding that you could have an opinion of your own that wasn't necessarily based on those of other similar like-minded individuals - apparently not.
Once I had been suitably chastised, the thread was locked so that I could speak no more!
And so, to those mad Go West fans that insisted I not only had it wrong, but that I would also burn in hell - I say this:
YOU are part of the reason this country is in the state its in today. How do you sleep at night?