Monday, 5 May 2008

It's Late In The Evening....

It's late in the evening, I can't get it right
had a little row with the wife tonight
Now it's late - its late in the evening
It's late in the evening and I ain't got nothing but the blu-ooh-ooes...

I went down the pub to buy me something to drink...
The barman said to me - hey, boy you sure look pink!
I said "I don't see Strongbow on the menu!"
It's late in the evening and I ain't got nothing but the blu-ooh-ooes...

I went down to the Chinese but hey, it was it shut
I went knocking on the door and then they began to shout:
"Get away from there, boy - don't you know that we're closed?"
It's late in the evening and I ain't got nothing but the blu-ooh-ooes...

Because I had a lot of money when I started out
But some dead beat turned and said that I should spend it on snout
It's late - it's late in the evening....
It's late in the evening and I ain't got nothing but the blu-ooh-ooes...

If Someone went and asked me - what are you gonna do?
I will end up shouting "By christ, I need a poo"...
It's late - it's late in the evening....
It's late in the evening and I ain't got nothing but the blu-ooh-ooes...

Bank Holiday Blues

Has it really been that long since I typed away aimlessly at this blog?. Actually, that's a pretty bloody stupid question, as the answer is so obviously yes, so I was wrong to ask in the first place! Forgive me!

Well, it's Bank Holiday Monday which means that the Banks have an official "holiday" and have to close. What that means for the rest of us sorry bunch is that we get a day off work. "Great" I hear you say. Actually, I don't, nor have I ever heard you say "Great" - that would be a little bit spooky!
It's all very well for those of you in full-time employement, but some of us are CONTRACTORS! (Boo, Hiss!)...Yes, I realise that for some of you, this is a swear word, but some of us ARE contracors, so you better get used to it! And that means we have a FORCED day off work (whether we want one or not!), which means that we DON'T get paid!

So, whilst you whinging permies are supping away on your Pimms enjoying your Bank Holiday, spare a thought for the scumbag contractors - yes, we may be rich, but 500 notes is a lot of money for ANYONE!